Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by having 4 or more "Lightsworn" monsters with different names in your GY. You can pay 1000 LP; destroy all other cards on the field. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 4 cards of your Deck to the GY.
Release | Number | Set | Rarity |
2008-05-13 | LODT-EN026 | Light of Destruction | Secret Rare |
2009-08-15 | TU01-EN000 | Turbo Pack: Booster One | Ultimate Rare |
2010-06-18 | GLD3-EN016 | Gold Series 3 | Gold Rare |
2011-10-04 | LCGX-EN249 | Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack | Common |
2012-02-17 | RYMP-EN104 | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Common |
2012-05-29 | BATT-EN017 | Battle Pack Tournament Prize Cards | Starfoil Rare |
2014-03-28 | PGLD-EN072 | Premium Gold | Gold Rare |
2014-06-27 | SDLI-EN004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Common |
2017-03-30 | DUSA-EN070 | Duelist Saga | Ultra Rare |
2017-07-06 | BLLR-EN041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-EN012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Ultra Rare |
Related to archetypes and series Dark counterpart
Monster/Spell/Trap categories Destroys Monster Cards Destroys Spell Cards Destroys Trap Cards
Miscellaneous Limited activations Special Summon Monster
Status | Start date | End date | List |
Unlimited | 2008-05-13 | 2008-08-31 | |
Semi-Limited | 2008-09-01 | 2011-08-31 | September 2008 Lists |
Unlimited | 2011-09-01 | September 2011 Lists |
Status | Start date | End date | List |
Unlimited | 2008-02-23 | 2008-08-31 | |
Semi-Limited | 2008-09-01 | 2011-08-31 | September 2008 Lists |
Unlimited | 2011-09-01 | September 2011 Lists |
Language | Name | Card text |
French | Dragon du Jugement | Ni Invocable Normalement ni Posable Normalement. Uniquement Invocable Spécialement (depuis votre main) en ayant min. 4 monstres "Seigneur Lumière" de noms différents dans votre Cimetière. Vous pouvez payer 1000 LP ; détruisez toutes les autres cartes sur le Terrain. Une fois par tour, durant votre End Phase : envoyez les 4 cartes du dessus de votre Deck au Cimetière. |
German | Urteilsdrache | Kann nicht als Normalbeschwörung beschworen/gesetzt werden. Muss als Spezialbeschwörung (von deiner Hand) beschworen werden, indem du 4 oder mehr „Lichtverpflichtet“-Monster mit unterschiedlichen Namen in deinem Friedhof hast. Du kannst 1000 LP zahlen; zerstöre alle anderen Karten auf dem Spielfeld. Einmal pro Spielzug, während deiner End Phase: Lege die obersten 4 Karten deines Decks auf den Friedhof. |
Italian | Drago del Giudizio | Non può essere Evocato Normalmente/Posizionato. Deve essere Evocato Specialmente (dalla tua mano) avendo 4 o più mostri "Fedele della Luce" con nomi diversi nel tuo Cimitero. Puoi pagare 1000 LP; distruggi tutte le altre carte sul Terreno. Una volta per turno, durante la tua End Phase: manda le prime 4 carte del tuo Deck al Cimitero. |
Portuguese | Dragão do Julgamento | Não pode ser Invocado por Invocação-Normal/Baixado. Deve ser Invocado por Invocação-Especial (da sua mão) ao ter 4 ou mais monstros "Luminoso(a)" com nomes diferentes no seu Cemitério. Você pode pagar 1000 PV; destrua todos os outros cards no campo. Uma vez por turno, durante sua Fase Final: envie os 4 cards do topo do seu Deck para o Cemitério. |
Spanish | Dragón del Juicio | No puede ser Invocado de Modo Normal/Colocado. Debe ser Invocado de Modo Especial (desde tu mano) teniendo 4 o más monstruos "Luminoso/a" de nombre diferente en tu Cementerio. Puedes pagar 1000 LP; destruye todas las demás cartas en el Campo. Una vez por turno, durante tu End Phase: manda al Cementerio las 4 cartas de la parte superior de tu Deck. |
Japanese | 裁きの龍 ( ジャッジメント・ドラグーン ) | このカードは通常召喚できない。自分の墓地の「ライトロード」モンスターが4種類以上の場合のみ特殊召喚できる。①:1000LPを払って発動できる。フィールドの他のカードを全て破壊する。②:自分エンドフェイズに発動する。自分のデッキの上からカードを4枚墓地へ送る。 |
Jajjimento Doragūn | ||
Judgment Dragoon | ||
Korean | 저지먼트 드래곤 | 이 카드는 통상 소환할 수 없다. 자신 묘지의 "라이트로드" 몬스터가 4종류 이상일 경우에만 특수 소환할 수 있다. ①: 1000 LP를 지불하고 발동할 수 있다. 이 카드 이외의 필드의 카드를 전부 파괴한다. ②: 자신 엔드 페이즈에 발동한다. 자신의 덱 위에서 카드를 4장 묘지로 보낸다. |
Jeojimeonteu Deuraegon | ||
Simplified Chinese | 裁决之龙 | 此卡不可通常召唤。 仅可在自己墓地的“光道”怪兽为4种以上的情况下特殊召唤。 ①:支付1000LP可以发动。将场上的其他卡全部破坏。 ②:在自己的结束阶段发动。从自己的牌组上面将4张卡送至墓地。 |
Cáijué zhī Lóng |
Release | Number | Set | French name | Rarity |
2008-05-13 | LODT-FR026 | Light of Destruction | Lumière de la Destruction | Secret Rare |
2009-09-12 | TU01-FR000 | Turbo Pack: Booster One | Paquet Turbo: Numéro Un | Ultimate Rare |
2010-06-17 | GLD3-FR016 | Gold Series 3 | Collection Gold 3 | Gold Rare |
2012-02-16 | RYMP-FR104 | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Méga-Pack Jaune Râ | Common |
2014-03-27 | PGLD-FR072 | Premium Gold | Gold Premium | Gold Rare |
2014-06-26 | SDLI-FR004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Royaume de Lumière Deck de Structure | Common |
2017-03-30 | DUSA-FR070 | Duelist Saga | La Saga des Duellistes | Ultra Rare |
2017-07-06 | BLLR-FR041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Batailles de Légende : Vengeance de la Lumière | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-FR012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Batailles de Légende : Chapitre 1 | Ultra Rare |
Release | Number | Set | German name | Rarity |
2008-05-13 | LODT-DE026 | Light of Destruction | Light of Destruction | Secret Rare |
2009-09-12 | TU01-DE000 | Turbo Pack: Booster One | Turbo Pack: Booster Eins | Ultimate Rare |
2010-06-17 | GLD3-DE016 | Gold Series 3 | Gold Series 3 | Gold Rare |
2011-10-20 | LCGX-DE249 | Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack | Legendary Collection 2: Mega-Pack | Common |
2012-02-16 | RYMP-DE104 | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Common |
2014-03-27 | PGLD-DE072 | Premium Gold | Premium Gold | Gold Rare |
2014-06-26 | SDLI-DE004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Common |
2017-03-30 | DUSA-DE070 | Duelist Saga | Duelist Saga | Ultra Rare |
2017-07-06 | BLLR-DE041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-DE012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Ultra Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Italian name | Rarity |
2008-05-13 | LODT-IT026 | Light of Destruction | Luce della Distruzione | Secret Rare |
2009-09-12 | TU01-IT000 | Turbo Pack: Booster One | Busta Turbo: Numero Uno | Ultimate Rare |
2010-06-17 | GLD3-IT016 | Gold Series 3 | Serie Oro 3 | Gold Rare |
2011-10-20 | LCGX-IT249 | Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years Mega Pack | Collezione Leggendaria 2: Mega-Pack | Common |
2012-02-16 | RYMP-IT104 | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Mega Pack Ra Giallo | Common |
2014-03-27 | PGLD-IT072 | Premium Gold | Premium Oro | Gold Rare |
2014-06-26 | SDLI-IT004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Reame della Luce Structure Deck | Common |
2017-03-30 | DUSA-IT070 | Duelist Saga | Saga dei Duellanti | Ultra Rare |
2017-07-06 | BLLR-IT041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Battaglie della Leggenda: Vendetta della Luce | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-IT012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Battaglie della Leggenda: Capitolo 1 | Ultra Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Portuguese name | Rarity |
2014-03-28 | PGLD-PT072 | Premium Gold | Première Ouro | Gold Rare |
2014-06-27 | SDLI-PT004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Reino da Luz Deck Estrutural | Common |
2017-05-26 | DUSA-PT070 | Duelist Saga | Saga dos Duelistas | Ultra Rare |
2017-08-22 | BLLR-PT041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Batalha das Lendas: Vingança da Luz | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-PT012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Batalha Das Lendas : Capitulo 1 | Ultra Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Spanish name | Rarity |
2008-05-13 | LODT-SP026 | Light of Destruction | Luz de la Destrucción | Secret Rare |
2010-06-17 | GLD3-SP016 | Gold Series 3 | Serie Dorada 3 | Gold Rare |
2012-02-16 | RYMP-SP104 | Ra Yellow Mega Pack | Mega Pack Ra Amarillo | Common |
2014-03-27 | PGLD-SP072 | Premium Gold | Dorada Premium | Gold Rare |
2014-06-26 | SDLI-SP004 | Realm of Light Structure Deck | Reino de la Luz Baraja de Estructura | Common |
2017-03-30 | DUSA-SP070 | Duelist Saga | La Saga del Duelista | Ultra Rare |
2017-07-06 | BLLR-SP041 | Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge | Batallas de Leyenda: Venganza de la Luz | Ultra Rare |
2024-02-22 | BLC1-SP012 | Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 | Batallas de Leyenda: Capítulo 1 | Ultra Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Japanese name | Rarity |
2008-02-23 | LODT-JP026 | Light of Destruction | ライト・オブ・デストラクション | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare |
2010-01-23 | GS02-JP009 | Gold Series 2010 | GOLD ( ゴールド ) SERIES ( シリーズ ) 2010 | Common Gold Rare |
2012-05-12 | DE02-JP127 | Duelist Edition Volume 2 | DUELIST ( デュエリスト ) EDITION ( エディション ) Volume ( ボリューム ) 2 | Super Rare |
2012-08-25 | GDB1-JP029 | The Gold Box | THE ( ザ ) GOLD ( ゴールド ) BOX ( ボックス ) | Gold Rare |
2013-11-23 | DS14-JPL01 | Duelist Set: Version Lightsworn Judgment | デュエリストセット Ver. ( バージョン ) ライトロード・ジャッジメント | Ultra Rare |
2016-12-17 | 20AP-JP049 | 20th Anniversary Pack 1st Wave | 20th ( トゥエンティース ) ANNIVERSARY ( アニバーサリー ) PACK ( パック ) 1st ( ファースト ) WAVE ( ウェーブ ) | Normal Parallel Rare |
2024-02-23 | QCCU-JP130 | Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity | QUARTER ( クォーター ) CENTURY ( センチュリー ) CHRONICLE ( クロニクル ) side ( サイド ) : UNITY ( ユニティ ) | Ultra Rare Secret Rare Ultimate Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Rarity |
2024-04-27 | CR04-AE109 | Creation Pack 04 | Ultimate Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Korean name | Rarity |
2008-06-02 | LODT-KR026 | Light of Destruction | 파괴의 빛 | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare |
2009-07-25 | EV09-KR002 | Summer Festival 2009 promotional cards | SUMMER FESTIVAL 2009 | Secret Rare |
2010-03-16 | GS02-KR009 | Gold Series 2010 | 골드 시리즈 2010 | Common Gold Rare |
2013-12-20 | DS14-KRL01 | Duelist Set: Version Lightsworn Judgment | 듀얼리스트세트Ver.라이트로드저지먼트 | Ultra Rare |
2017-04-18 | 20AP-KR049 | 20th Anniversary Pack 1st Wave | CHRONICLE PACK ( 크로니클 팩 ) 1st WAVE | Normal Parallel Rare |
2024-03-26 | QCCU-KR130 | Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity | QUARTER CENTURY CHRONICLE side:UNITY | Ultra Rare Secret Rare Ultimate Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare |
Release | Number | Set | Simplified Chinese name | Rarity |
2024-03-30 | LEDE-SC098 | Legacy of Destruction | 破坏龙遗产 | Ultra Rare Ultimate Rare Secret Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare |
2024-03-30 | LEDE-SC098 | Legacy of Destruction +1 Bonus Pack | 破坏龙遗产 +1奖励包 | Ultra Rare Quarter Century Secret Rare |
Page | Medium | Debut date |
Judgment Dragon (Tag Force 4) | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 | 2009-09-17 |
Judgment Dragon (Duel Links) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links | 29 February 2020">2020-02-29 |
Judgment Dragon (Master Duel) | Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel | 2022-01-19 |
Video game | Date | # | Name | Cost | Status |
Online | 2005-11-04 | – | – | – | Present |
Video game | Lore | Sets |
Online | Pack 48 |
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