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Individuals with Down syndrome have a higher likelihood of being obese than their typically developing peers. Sometimes it is the result of hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of certain hormones. If there are new symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as increased sleepiness, confusion, or mood changes, the individual’s primary care doctor should consider ordering a blood test to check thyroid function. It has also been suggested that people with Down syndrome may have a lower level of metabolism, i.e., their bodies may burn fewer calories and store more.

Jack Kelly working in the kitchen

More generally, though, weight management issues in individuals with Down syndrome are often due to the intake of too many calories in relation to the level of physical activity. Strategies for treating and preventing obesity involve:

If there is no underlying medical condition contributing to an individual’s weight, then he or she can use the same strategies anyone else would to lose weight: exercise, portion control, and healthy food choices.