Rhode island vanity charity plate renewal

This service may be used to request a remake of your existing plate or a plate with a different design from the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Requests for different plate numbers or plate types must be done in person with a reservation at the RI DMV.

You do not need to appear at the DMV to complete this transaction for a plate remake or new design.

Your new plates will be mailed to the mailing address on file with the DMV, and you will have an opportunity to verify this address before completing your request. If an address change is necessary, you may change it online at www.ri.gov/DMV/address_change or by completing a Change of Address form and mailing it to the Cranston DMV. Please allow 15 minutes for the address change to take effect before attempting your plate request again.

Upon completion of your plate request, you will be able to print a receipt or have it e-mailed to you. If you do not have a printer or e-mail address, you may request a plate remake or new design, but no receipt will be available indicating your request.

No refunds are available after completion of your plate order. Your order will be processed within three business days. You will receive your new plates in 6 to 8 weeks.

NOTE: General plate reissuance will begin on January 1, 2023, replacing all current Wave designs with the new Ocean design. New Ocean design plates will be automatically mailed to you at no charge when your Wave registration is renewed.

If you are ordering a remake of a Wave design and your expiration date is within six months, you may consider waiting until renewal. If you have any further questions, please contact the Plate Office at DMV.PlateOffice@dmv.ri.gov