PrimeCare Cash Plan

Feel at ease knowing that you are taken care of during your retirement. This hospitalization plan for client's 50 to 75 years old covers you until you're 80 years old. It was designed to protect you and your finances from the rising cost of hospitalization by providing cash assistance when you need it most. Focus on your recovery, not paying hospital bills.

Aff ordable Plans

You deserve a worry free retirement, where you do not have to stress over your finances. The PrimeCare Cash Plan was made for individuals who want to cushion the burden brought by sudden hospitalization.

You are provided with comprehensive protection at an affordable premium. Once hospitalized your benefits are paid directly to you. This works together with your other insurance providers in order for you to focus more on your recovery.

Find a plan with the right coverage

Plan 500

plan starts at

₱ 213


Plan 1000

plan starts at

₱ 426


Plan 2000

plan starts at

₱ 852


Plan 3000

plan starts at

₱ 1278


Plan 4000

plan starts at

₱ 1705


PLAN 500

Daily Cash Benefit 500

Plan starts at

₱ 213


PLAN 1000

Daily Cash Benefit 1000

Plan starts at

₱ 426


PLAN 2000

Daily Cash Benefit 2000

Plan starts at

₱ 852


PLAN 3000

Daily Cash Benefit 3000

Plan starts at

₱ 1278


PLAN 4000

Daily Cash Benefit 4000

Plan starts at

₱ 1705


Ben efits you Need

PrimeCare Cash Plan provides cash assistance for each day spent in hospital confinement. In the case of ICU confinement, it provides an ICU Benefit which pays an added amount on top of the Daily Cash Benefit. Cash benefits can be used in any way you choose, whether to assist in covering medical expenses or additional expenses incurred during each hospital confinement. Rest easy knowing you are covered and focus on your recovery.

Dai ly Cash Benefit

This is allocated for each day you are hospitalized, to replace your lost income due to confinement. It covers up to 365 days per illness, per confinement.

Dai ly ICU Benefit

The amount to be given on top of the Daily Cash Benefit, for each day you are to be confined in the ICU. It covers up to 365 days per illness, per confinement.

Sur gical Cash Benefit

It is the lump sum to be paid for every covered surgery under your plan. To know more about the covered surgeries contact our office.

You are a Gift

As you age, your health related expenses rise and you may begin to depend on those who once depended on you. Although they are more than willing to take care of you, the added expenses can set their financial plans back.

Enjoy those retirement years with your loved ones and be confident enough to know that you are financially independent.

You are not a burden, you are gift.

Pro tect your Retirement

The average monthly pension in the Philippines is about ₱ 7,000 to ₱ 8,000. It is difficult to rely only on your government-based benefits if you end up confined. It is even more difficult to take hard-earned money from your retirement fund and use it for that emergency.

The PrimeCare Cash Plan protects you from exhausting your hard-earned savings, because you deserve to spend your savings on what is most important to you.

Our G uar antees

As you age, premium rates and
cash benefits remain the same.

Cash benefits are paid
directly to you.

No medical exams or health questions. Guaranteed acceptance.

Your plan covers you in the
Philippines and around the world.

No policy cancellations.

Coverage begins once first premium is paid. No waiting for benefits.

How to Apply

Fill out the Application Form

Click the Apply Now button. You will be asked to fill out a form with the required information.

Review your Policy

Once we have received your form, we will process your application. You will receive an electronic copy of your policy contract through your given email address. A copy will also be sent to your given mailing address. You will have 10 to 15 days to study the given policy contract.

Pay your First Premium

If you find the provisions placed in the contract in order, you may proceed to paying your first premium at our authorized payment centers, to begin your coverage.

How to File a Claim

A policyholder who is confined in the hospital for at least 18 hours as a resident patient may apply for a hospitalization claim benefit. This is subject to the company's approval upon submission of the following, and other pertinent documents:

You may send these requirements through courier or personally give them at our head office located at the 11th floor Sage House bldg., 110 V.A. Rufino st., Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City.

Our Offices

We have over 50 branches nationwide ready to serve your insurance needs.

Pre -existing Conditions

Any hospital confinement caused by a pre-existing condition (e.g. diabetes, high-blood, hypertenstion or any treatment that you are receiving prior to your application) will not be covered. However, hospitalizations caused by an illness which will be diagnosed during the effectivity of your policy, will be covered with the limitations provided in the Policy Conditions.

Our Cli ents

"Assurance sya at the time of need, na siguradong makakatulong sa'yo."

- Policyholder Alexander Elizaga