The 11th Edition of the MUTCD was published on December 19, 2023. The adopted changes will become effective on January 18, 2024. 23 CFR provides the States with a 2-year period from the effective date to adopt the MUTCD. Therefore, by January 18, 2026 States will be required to adopte the National Manual or have a State MUTCD/supplement that is in substantial conformance with the National Manual. The role of our 52 FHWA Division Offices (50 States plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.) is to review any State MUTCD or supplement to determine if it is in substantial conformance with the National MUTCD. [23 CFR 655.603(b)].
This webpage will be updated at the end of the 2-year adoption period for the 11th Edition to reflect the States adoption of the National MUTCD.
The FHWA's MUTCD Team has compiled information on which States have adopted the national MUTCD, the National MUTCD with a State supplement, or a State MUTCD for the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD, as shown on the map below. For information regarding State supplements or a State MUTCD please contact the applicable State DOT traffic engineering office to obtain the needed information.
United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration